Ethics & Compliance


We expect all employees to act with the highest standards of honesty and ethical conduct while working on our company premises, at offsite locations where our business is being conducted, at the sponsored firm and social events, or at any other place where our employees are representing ALLIED METHANOL Australia.

Compliance with Applicable Rules and Regulations

We expect all our employees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. All employees are expected to be familiar with the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to their business responsibilities and fulfill their duties according to applicable laws and regulations.

Questions concerning the applicability of any legal or regulatory provision should be directed to the Company’s legal department.

All officers and employees have the right and responsibility to ensure that the Company’s business is conducted with high ethical and legal principles. The following is a summary of the Ethics Policy at ALLIED METHANOL:

  • Our policy is to operate within applicable laws
  • Discrimination or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated
  • No bribes or facilitation payments of any kind shall be given or received
  • Compliance with the strict rules on confidentiality issues
  • Conflicts of interest must be avoided
  • We aim to be a responsible partner within our local communities
  • Employees are encouraged and supported to report, in confidence, any suspected wrongdoings
  • Appropriate ethical behavior is reviewed as part of the Company's internal control process and business control framework

Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE)

We are committed to preventing ill health and injuries to our employees, contractors, customers, the surrounding community, the general public, and the protection of the environment.

We believe that Health, Safety, and the Environment (HSE) are integral parts of our business and culture. We are committed to achieving continual improvement in our HSE performance and ensuring full compliance with the laws and regulations of  Australia. In the absence of relevant local rules and regulations, internationally accepted standards will be considered appropriate to the local condition. We shall pursue the application of caring culture and, through sound HSE management systems and operating practices, prevent any risk or harm to personnel or the environment.

The primary responsibility for communicating and implementing this policy rests with our Management. Accordingly, we shall provide sufficient resources and shall encourage the involvement of all employees and contractors in implementing this policy. In addition, we shall provide HSE awareness and training programs to enable our Management, employees, and contractors to fulfill their HSE responsibilities both within and outside our organization.

In pursuit of the objectives of this HSE policy, we shall develop specific guidelines, standards, and clearly defined procedures which shall be periodically reviewed. Effective communication channels shall be maintained with the Government of Western Australia and other stakeholders, including the general public.

Staff Diversity

In many of today’s forward-looking organizations, employees are considered “the talent”— an essential resource.  We aim to find, keep and engage the highest caliber of employees and officers and encourage their contribution and development.  Appropriate career paths and internal recognition programs are developed for technical and non-technical staff.  Employees are provided with learning and development opportunities to fulfill their potential.

We are committed to providing equal opportunity to all existing and prospective employees without unlawful discrimination based on religion, disability, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, or any other category protected by the Australian laws and regulations applicable in the jurisdiction where such employees, officers or directors are located.  We encourage diversity and opportunity, which is reinforced through our Company’s Ethics policy.

Operational Excellence

We aim to implement integrated and consistent standards, processes, and procedures that reduce risks, enabling our organization to improve continuously. We intend to adapt to a globally recognized Operation Excellence Management System (OEMS) that is aligned with internationally recognized management systems and is a best practice in defining and continually improving the reliability and performance of our assets.

OEMS is raising our focus on managing risk for our people, communities, the environment, and our assets. OEMS defines our way of doing things. The ALLIED METHANOL Operational Excellence Management System (OEMS) is the framework that we will use to achieve operational excellence. By implementing consistent standards and processes in our operations, we expect to increase positive business results by reducing risk, enhancing safety and reliability, and continuously improving our environmental performance.

Our Guiding Principles

  • We aim to meet or exceed all applicable health, safety, and environmental requirements. We will evaluate our HSE performance by monitoring ongoing performance results and periodic management reviews.
  • Where laws and regulations do not provide adequate controls, we will adopt our standards to protect human health, safety, and the environment.
  • Support and promote sound scientific principles and fiscally responsible public policy that enhance health, safety, and environmental quality.
  • Advocate the adoption of prudent health, safety, and environmental principles and practices by our contractors, vendors, suppliers, and other stakeholders.
  • Conflicts of interest must be avoided
  • Communicate health, safety, and environmental policies and programs to ALLIED METHANOL employees and stakeholders.
  • Design, manage and operate our facilities to maximize safety, promote energy efficiency, and protect the environment.
  • Strive to produce cleaner fuel products that are safe in their intended use, conserve energy and materials, prevent pollution, and addresses climate change and global warming throughout the product life cycle, including design, manufacture, and use.
  • Ensure that all employees know their role and responsibility to fulfill and sustain the organization’s health, safety, and environmental management systems and policy.